MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowships
The path from the world of research to entrepreneurship is long and arduous – especially in the field of medical technology. To make the process easier, the Werner Siemens Foundation awards its MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowships to talented junior researchers at the University of Zurich who have presented a promising concept for a new company.
Translating findings from medical research into real-world applications that help people – this is the purpose of the Werner Siemens Foundation’s MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowships. Much more than a grant, the fellowships offers talented junior researchers an entire training programme, including access to state-of-the-art equipment at the UZH Incubator Lab.
Among the holders of a Werner Siemens Foundation MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowship are biologists, biotechnologists and cytologists at the University of Zurich. Since the start of the programme in 2018, six researchers have successfully made the transition from academia to entrepreneurship (figures as of 2021).
In addition to a grant worth 150,000 Swiss francs, fellowship holders benefit from coaching sessions and courses on strategy as well as financial and regulatory issues, and they receive support in networking. Another feature is open access to a state-of-the-art lab, which is equipped and operated with funds from the Werner Siemens Foundation. The programme also helps the young entrepreneurs develop professional contacts to private industry players and investors, and it offers them insights into the leadership qualities of successful CEOs – for instance, good communication skills and a healthy work-life balance.
Facts and figures
Talented junior researchers who wish to establish a company receive funding from the University of Zurich throughout the start-up phase in the form of a MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowship. The Fellowship programme was launched to promote spin-offs in the field of biotechnology; in 2018, the Werner Siemens Foundation began financing additional spin-offs in the area of medical technology.
The Werner Siemens Foundation is sponsoring MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowships at the University of Zurich, including the costs of equipping and operating the Life Science Incubator Lab at the university’s Schlieren Campus. A maximum of five junior researchers per year are awarded a MedTechEntrepreneur Fellowship. The programme comprises funding of 150 000 Swiss francs and access to infrastructure, coaching and networks.
Funding from the Werner Siemens Foundation
10.67 million Swiss francs over a period of ten years (to be reviewed after four years)
Project duration
2018 to 2027
Project leader
Prof. Dr Michael Schaepman,
Vice President Research,
University of Zurich
Main partner
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Zurich